Friday, 9 February 2007

Plan's failed to visit East London and Central London :( :(

You can read it for yourself what happened!...

Live Travel News: PICCADILLY LINE: Minor delays are occurring due to an earlier signalling problem at Heathrow 123.CIRCLE LINE: Minor delays are occurring due to earlier faulty communication equipment.

Luckily i went to the London TFL to see what times we could have gone, and when I saw this i was very Disappointed! So Inshallah we will be visiting Central London and East London next week.. :( :( This is so sad!


1 comment:

Macguffin said...

Some really good research, here ladies. Shame about your travel plans being scuppered! And I see you've decided to take down the Muslim cartoons - interesting decision, and probably the right one.

Here's an idea - how about trying to contact the King Fahad Academy in Acton that's been in the news all week...

...and then you could try to get an interview with either the Ealing Times or the Ealing Gazette.