Saturday, 3 February 2007

Our first day was good (3rd Feb 07) ...

Well, me and Tanya both decided that we would go on saturday and film in Greenford and Southall, as these were the local areas and near to us, to interview people. So today, I woke up at 8, and met Tanya at Greenford at 10.00 am. We got quiet a few people's interview on how they would define ' Islamophobia', both me and Tanya really enjoyed doing this, as the responses we got were interesting. However, it was a bit hard to get people to be in our documentary as half the people were not willing to do it, or where camera shy.

We left Greenford at 11.15 and went to Southall. This was the hardest bit, as half the people we went up to COULD NOT SPEAK ENGLISH! But we did manage to get some people's view, and we found this lady that was wearing the niqab, she was brilliant! she said to us she is willing to be interviewed in our documentary as she has already come on the channels before, she is a Art teacher, somewhere up London, so hopefully were going to meet her sometime next week (inshallah), i got her email add so I'm going to email her tonight and arrange a time to interview her personally.

Overall, it was a very long day today, but both me and Tanya enjoyed ourselves, it was really entertaining interviewing random people. But we still have to do loads in our documentary. one of the comments that we got from nearly all those people that we interviewed was ' wow, that's a really interesting topic you are focusing on. That's all from me...

Xx NaziyaXx

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